figured bass beginners guide featured image

Figured Bass Made Simple: Tips and Techniques

There are many different ways to notate music, whether that be with the Roman numeral system, traditional notation or what we will talk about in this post, the figured bass notation system. Although figured bass is not used anymore it is an important aspect of music theory to learn. What is figured bass? Figured bass … Read more

minor scales on guitar, featured image

Explore Minor Scales on Guitar: Music Theory Made Simple

The minor scale is arguably the second more influential scale in western music, behind the major scale. Minor scales are associated with having a sad, mournful quality to them. In the post we’ll take a dive into how the minor scale is constructed and give you all the patterns you’ll need to play minor scales … Read more

renaissance music period, featured image copy

Exploring the Renaissance Music Period: A Beginner’s Guide

The Renaissance music period is one of the classical music periods from western history that spans from 1400 to the beginning of the sixteenth century. The Renaissance period was preceded by the medieval era and followed by the baroque era. What does the word Renaissance mean? The term ‘renaissance’ is a French term that literally … Read more

The Locrian Mode: A Complex Darkness

There are many different scales in western music and some are more common than others. You will have heard of major scales and the minor scales but the diatonic modes are something totally different. What are musical modes and why are they important? The musical modes are a series of seven diatonic scales based on … Read more

chords in g flat major, featured image

Chords in G Flat Major: A Music Theory Guide

Each major scale can be used to create chords in that key. These can be used to create chord progressions that underpin melodies and will allow you to create pieces in any key you like. Chords in G flat Major are created from the G flat major scale. The notes in the FG flat major … Read more